Cookie Policy

The Data Controller for the processing of personal data is the Betrieb Landesmuseen [Department of Provincial Museums], which operates through the South Tyrol Museum of Mining.

Department of Provincial Museums
E-mail address:
Tel. +39 0471 320162

South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology
Tel.: 0471 320 112

Data Protection Officer (DPO)
The contact details of the Data Protection Officer (DPO) are as follows:

Renorm GmbH
E-mail address:
Tel. +39 0471/1882777

As you browse the internet, certain information is stored by websites to provide you with a proper, safe browsing experience: such information includes IP addresses, MAC address, domain names of users’ computers and all the technical information implicit in the use of internet communication protocols.

Our website uses cookies to ensure you enjoy the proper use of the website and a safe browsing experience. This policy provides information about the cookies used by our website, the purposes they are used for and how they are used.

What are cookies?
The legal basis for the management of cookies is the general measure of the Data Protection Authority regarding cookies of 8 May 2014. Cookies are small text files sent by a website to the user’s device (usually the browser). They are stored in order to be transferred back to the site the next time the same user visits. While browsing a website, cookies from other websites or web servers (so-called “third party providers”) may also be sent to the user’s device: some elements on the website being visited (e.g. images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages on other domains) may be located on other websites or web servers.

Cookies can be used for various purposes, such as performing computer authentication, storing information related to the configurations of machines accessing the server, storing preferred websites, etc. The types of cookies that we use are detailed below.

Cookie types
Under current Italian law, explicit consent is not always required for the use of cookies. In particular, this is not required for so-called “technical” cookies, for example to transmit a message via an electronic communications network, or to provide a service that has been explicitly requested by the user. These cookies are, in other words, indispensable for the proper functioning of the site or for performing the activities requested by the user.

Technical cookies:
these are vital for the proper functioning of the website; they are only stored for the duration of your browsing activity.
The Authority for the Protection of Personal Data includes the following cookies among those technical cookies that do not require explicit consent for their use (see. Prov. Gen. “Recognition of simplified procedures for information on and consent to the use of cookies – 8 May 2014”):
Analytics cookies that are used directly by the website operator to collect information regarding the number and behaviour of users of this website,
Cookies for browsing or session cookies (for authentication, making a purchase, etc.),
Functional cookies: these cookies allow users to browse on the basis of a number of selected functions (e.g. language settings, goods selected for purchase) with the aim of improving the user-friendliness and performance of the website.
The user’s prior consent is required for cookies that aim to create user profiles for the delivery of advertising messages: such consent is in accordance with the preferences identified from the user’s browsing history.

Analytical cookies:
these are used to collect aggregated information about the number of visitors and visitor behaviour at a statistical level.
These cookies do not collect information about the user’s identity nor any personal data and, as the fourth component of the IP address is masked, they are comparable to technical cookies. Information is processed in an aggregated and anonymised form.

Third-party cookies are created by other websites:
these websites own some of the content, such as advertisements or images, that can be seen when you visit the website. The Data Controller cannot exercise any specific control over these cookies. Contact the relevant third-party providers directly in order to obtain information about such cookies, their characteristics and their functionality. Third-party cookies can normally be blocked by choosing the appropriate setting in your browser.

Cookies used by our website

The following is a list of the cookies that we use:


_icl_visitor_lang_js Save the user's preferred language on the website. 1 day
csbwfs_show_hide_status Used in context with the share buttons toolbar. Determines which and how many share buttons are shown to the visitor. 1 day
wpml_browser_redirect Save the user's preferred language on the website 1 day
__stripe_mid 365 days
_ga 365 days
messagesUtk to store browser details, store performed actions on the website. 365 days


_GRECAPTCHA _grecaptcha is the functional cookie that Goole reCAPTCHA uses for risk analysis, but it can also save some information on the devices used to navigate the website. 365 days


mailpoet_page_view for newsletter form 365 days
mailpoet_subscriber mailpoet newsletter subscriber 365 days
moove_gdpr_popup to store cookie consent preferences. 365 days

This website uses profiling cookies.
This website only uses technical cookies and analytical cookies. As regards analytical cookies, the Data Controller has partially anonymised the user’s IP address, thus limiting the information that Google Inc. can access

Brief information concerning the “first access banner”.
The banner that opens when the website is first accessed allows the visitor to view the essential information regarding the use of cookies and contains a link to the complete cookie policy. By clicking on “Accept all” on the banner, the user agrees to the use of cookies. The data regarding the user’s decision to use cookies is stored by a technical cookie for 365 days.

How can cookies be deactivated?
Users can withdraw their consent or change how cookies are used on this website via their browser settings at any time. Here you can find links to the most important browsers:

Internet Explorer

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari

This policy may be amended and modified by the Data Controller in the event of changes to the law.
Updated on: 17.05.2024