Our multimedia audio guide will conduct you through the permanent exhibition.

The multimedia audio guide on iPod device provides exciting information and background knowledge about the permanent exhibition “Ötzi-The Iceman” in the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology. Emily Copper and her digital assistant Eddi will guide you in discovering Ötzi, the Iceman. The audio guide contains 27 audio commentary sections lasting 1-3 mins. each (50 mins. in total) and images.
Available in English, in German, in Italian, in French, Dutch and Spanish.

You will be asked to leave a valid ID (ID card, passport or driving licence) as security.
The minimum age to borrow the audio guide is 18 years. Adults can also borrow audio guides for children but must monitor their use. The content of the audio guide for adults is suitable for children from the age of around 10/12 years.

Lending fee per device: 4,00 Euro

You can also download the museum’s audio guide app to your smartphone prior to your visit. Please don’t forget to bring your own headphones. You can buy disposable headphones in the museum.

App available here:

Children at the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology can use their very own audio guide. MISSION ÖTZI was specially designed for children from ages 6-10.
The children’s audio guide is available in 3 languages: English, Italian, and German. It can be downloaded free of charge as an app (for iOS and Android).

Free download: