COLD CASE ÖTZI has been published

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COLD CASE ÖTZI has been published


The lonely death of Ötzi the Iceman on the Tisenjoch glacier in the Ötztal Alps over 5,300 years ago still moves people today. Who ambushed him with bow and arrow on that fateful summer day? Why did the Iceman have to die by bowshot? What happened before?
The South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology still receives emails from all over the world, and everyday people who visit the museum share their thoughts on one of the oldest known murder cases in the world on the CSI wall. The hypothesized motives for murder range from hunting accidents to ritual killings, from robbery to jealousy or revenge.
Even experts who have collaborated with us for a long time systematically return to the topic. At a retreat in the South Tyrolean mountains, three experts gathered all known facts and assessed the likelihood of all the assumptions that have been made over the years. The gathering included Alexander Horn, Germany’s famous profiler, Oliver Peschel, pathologist and for many years the person responsible for Ötzi’s preservation, and Andreas Putzer, who knows Ötzi’s living environment – the Schnalstal Valley and its side valleys – like the back of his hand and has turned it upside down archaeologically. The result was COLD CASE ÖTZI, a captivating and entertaining book to read, summarized and accompanied by critical questions by journalist and author Josef Rohrer. The book was published by Folio Verlag in German language and is available in bookstores and the museum bookshop starting September 27th, 2024.


cover COLD CASE ÖTZI, (c) Folio editor
Experts in refuge retreat in South Tyrol, from left to right: Putzer, Peschel, Horn (c) Josef Rohrer

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