TIMEX – International Museum Day

(c) South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology / Mark Markin

TIMEX – International Museum Day in the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology

The year is 580 after the Great Desertification: A young man, named Wifi Barbier, roams about looking for electronic scrap as he usually does. A shiny object stuck in the ground catches his attention – he finds an intact room from the 20th or even 21st century! He interprets the objects found within the room with help from experts. Will he be able to solve the puzzle?

Inspired by the novel “Motel of the Mysteries” by David Macaulay, Class II F of the “Istituto Galileo Galilei” from Bolzano beams us into a distant future and contemplates the present from the perspective of young people who will perhaps populate the Earth one day, long after we are gone. Can we figure out what kind of space it was?

On International Museum Day all visitors at the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology, whether big or small, are invited to try solving this humorous puzzle! Even archaeologists today sometimes have a hard time interpreting ancient finds… 😉

Admission free.

 Young Wifi Barbier finds in 580 after the Great Desertification an intact room from the 20th (c) South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology / Mark Markin

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