New Advisory Boards

New Advisory Boards


In mid-June, the Government of the Autonomous Province of South Tyrol appointed the new members of the two scientific advisory boards of the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology.

The following experts are members of the scientific advisory board for the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology:

Christian Greco, Director of the Museo Egizio, Torino (Chair)
Patricia Rahemipour, Head of the Institute for Museum Research, State Museums in Berlin (Deputy Chair)
Kurt Nicolussi, Head of the Alpine Dendrochronology Research Group, Institute of Geography, University of Innsbruck
Annaluisa Pedrotti, Deputy Head of the Department of Philosophy, History and Cultural Heritage, University of Trento
Andreas Rudigier, Director of the Tyrolean State Museums Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck
Peter Trebsche, Head of the Institute of Archaeology, University of Innsbruck

The scientific advisory board for the Iceman consists of the following experts:
Oliver Peschel, Deputy Head of the Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Munich (Chair)
Roberto Dinale, Director of the Office for Hydrology and Reservoirs, Head of Hydrography and Glaciology, Autonomous Province of Bozen-South Tyrol (Deputy Chair)
Cornelia Lass-Flörl, Director of the Institute of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology, Medical University of Innsbruck
Patrizia Pernter, Medical director in the Radiology Unit, Head of Computed Tomography, Hospital of Bolzano
Frank Rühli, Head of the Institute of Evolutionary Medicine, Head of the Paleopathology and Mummy Studies Research Group, Head of the Museum and the Medical Collection and Human Remains Research Group, ETH Zurich

The Scientific Board is an advisory body that will remain in office for a period of five years. Its task will be to advise and support the museum director on content-related and technical issues.

We look forward to an inspiring and fruitful collaboration!



Foto: Library of he South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology (c) South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology

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